To all out Lockhart clients and friends..

Don't miss this year's Golden Age Home Annual Easter Egg Hunt!
Date: April 7th
Time: 10 AM - Noon
Location: Main St, Lockhart, TX
What's Happening:
Petting Zoo by Davenport Farms
Easter Bunny by Merry Mascots
Snow Cones with Kona Ice
Hot Dogs
Much more….

Here's how you can help:
Tell all you friends and family! Share or Add the flyers in this post to your communications to help get the word out!
Please let us know if you need color flyers delivered to you or your place of business
Make donations of Candy &/or Plastic Easter Eggs. These need to be dropped off before April 3rd.
Volunteer! Sign up HERE to donate, help with food, information table, bunny face painting and more!
Like our Facebook Event and share with THE WORLD!
Your continued support is MUCH APPRECIATED!