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Celebrate National Art Day!


National Art Day 2020

Sunday, October 25th is National Art Day and the 139th birthday of Pablo Picasso.* What can you do to celebrate?

Protecting yourself during the pandemic is still a priority and the safety of our health is number one, but there are still things you can do to let this day move you creatively.

Here are some things you can do to celebrate National Art Day:

  1. Buy a piece of Art - Support a local artist and add some creative flare to your home. A quick online search will bring up local artists in the San Marcos area. Many of them offer online purchases.

  2. Tour Public Art pieces throughout San Marcos - View public art pieces in person or online by following this virtual map.

  3. Choose your Favorite Medium & make some Art of your own - From acrylic paint, to clay, to chalk, to colored pencils, crayons and more, choose your favorite and dive in. There's plenty of free instructional videos online. Here are just a few self-guided art tutorials you can try: Painting, Drawing, Whittling, and Sculpting.

Let your imagination soar! The sky is truly the limit and it simply takes a little time and effort, but it's worth it. There is nothing more satisfying than finding that perfect piece of art OR learning a new form of expression, practicing as much as possible and creating beautiful things to sit back, admire, and share.

Also, consider checking your current homeowners insurance policy to see what works of art are covered. If you don't currently have homeowners insurance, get in touch with us and we'll find the policy that's right for you.

Happy National Art Day!

*You can read more about the history of National Art Day at National Today. Enjoy!

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